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Examples of Acted Videos
An acted video, is where a story is written out and the actors (or artist) are filmed while acting out the story. They are often in a hybrid form, where they are interwoven with shots of the artist performing. They need filming (often at multiple locations), props, actors (often the artist themselves), a narrative (the artist can provide their own if they want to) and then editing to the music.
You’ve Got The Wrong Man – Coil
Acted/Performance Hybrid
Road Kill Cafe – Big Dogz

Acted/Performance Hybrid
Examples of Clip Videos
A clip video is made from high quality, royalty free, video samples and/or clips you want us use along side them. Moyr Productions has access to to thousands of pre-existing video clips, shot specifically for use in any video you like. The advantage with this is a vast reduction in cost. The disadvantage is that any of the clips that are used could also appear in someone else’s video. This is not really a problem because the main aim of this type of video is to have something for people to watch while they listen to your track on social media. It’s an option when budgets are tight. They can be interwoven with shots of the artist performing. It increases retention level and can be made to look purposeful.
Breathe – Sharon West
Clip Video
Examples of Showreel Videos
A clip video is made from high quality, royalty free, video samples and/or clips you want us use along side them. Moyr Productions has access to to thousands of pre-existing video clips, shot specifically for use in any video you like. The advantage with this is a vast reduction in cost. The disadvantage is that any of the clips that are used could also appear in someone else’s video. This is not really a problem because the main aim of this type of video is to have something for people to watch while they listen to your track on social media. It’s an option when budgets are tight. They can be interwoven with shots of the artist performing. It increases retention level and can be made to look purposeful.
Martin Ferguson Band
Showreel Video
Sam Wain
Showreel Video
Examples of Promo Videos
Promo videos are designed to promote you as an artist. They can be serious or light hearted videos. They could be an interview of you promoting an album, single or concert. Or you could be discussing many things, like an opinion on something in the news, or new merchandise you have out, the meaning of a song or your thoughts on how the last gigs went etc. They need correctly lighting and multiple camera angles where possible.
Martin Ferguson Band
Informal Interview with bloopers
Examples of Performance Videos
A performance video, is where the artist will set up in a controlled environment, with lighting and props catered for. They will then perform as though they were live and mime to the original track. The original track could be a studio recorded track or an actual live track. The video will be shot from multiple angle.
Jack T. Harper ft Zootz
Examples of Bootleg Videos
A bootleg video. This is where your music track is sync’d to an existing video(s). For example, it could be sync’d to motor racing or news clips. The advantage with this is a vast reduction of cost. The disadvantage is that the original owners of whatever video you use, could put a copyright block on it. Also, you wouldn’t be able to fully monetize it. Most videos that can be used as source material, don’t have copyright blocks on them (some countries are different). Instead, the copyright owner allows anyone to use them, but each time it’s played, they take a cut of the money. As explained above, this type of video is just to give the listener of your music, something to watch while listening on YouTube. It increases retention level.
Don't Squeeze me - Bliss 1979
Bootleg Video
This Is The Day - Bliss 1979
Bootleg Video
Examples of Live Videos
A live video is exactly what it is, a video of the artist playing live. It has to be done with multiple cameras and will need multiple film crew accordingly. To be successful, it needs to have good audio to go along with it. That audio can be taken directly from the desk, which gives mixed results. The best audio will be a multi-track recording, that can be mixed and mastered correctly.
Dickie Heart and the palpitations
Live Reunion Concert
Videos from Moyr Business Productions
Moyr Business Productions are our sister company. They have nothing to do with the music side of things and are purely a video based company aimed at business events and promos. We work with them when needed, to film our music videos. Here are some videos from them.